Welcome to your Team Booster Participant Interview.
Your interview consists of a number of standardized questions for each participant of workshops like the one we are preparing for your team. This interview is a tool that helps me as the facilitator to better understand the team and the current team dynamics.
Statement of Confidentiality All answers you are providing with this survey will be treated with utmost confidentiality! At no time, I will share your answers along with your name, email, or any other personal information. While it is not generally planned to use the interview answers for anything else but my insight into the team dynamics, in some cases it is helpful for the manager and/or team to look through and work with the answers. In case the interview answers are being used for either of these cases, I will ensure that all answers will be anonymized, edited to remove any personal references, and mixed accross each participant, so a trace back to your answers will not be possible.
If the workshop is scheduled for more than one day, please enter the date of first day.
Rate on a scale from 1 to 10, with…
on a scale from 1 to 10, with…
List anything that you feel does not provide value to the team and the team’s purpose, e.g.
List anything that you feel the team should be doing, or doing more than currently, as it would help the team, the team dynamic, or the team purpose.
Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions! If you have any questions in return, please let me know and I am happy to answer as good as I can!
Time’s up